# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: Custom exceptions used in this module.
import os
[docs]class DuplicatedDataset(Exception):
Raised if a dataset already exists with submitted version.
def __init__(self, path, version):
self.msg = "Dataset already exists"
self.msg += "\n<path: '{}'>".format(path)
self.msg += "\n<version: '{}'>".format(version)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class OlderUpgrade(Exception):
Raised if a dataset already exists with submitted version.
def __init__(self, version, latest):
self.msg = "Upgrade version is older than latest version"
self.msg += "\n<upgrade version: '{}'>".format(version)
self.msg += "\n<latest version: '{}'>".format(latest)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class DuplicatedFile(Exception):
Raised if a NetCDF file already exists into submitted dataset version.
def __init__(self, latest, upgrade):
self.msg = "Latest dataset version already includes NetCDF file"
self.msg += "\n<latest file: '{}'>".format(latest)
self.msg += "\n<upgrade file: '{}'>".format(upgrade)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class UnchangedTrackingID(Exception):
Raised if a NetCDF file already has the tracking ID of submitted file to upgrade.
def __init__(self, latest, latest_id, upgrade, upgrade_id):
self.msg = "Latest file version has the same tracking ID/PID, which has to be unique."
self.msg += "\n<latest file: '{} - {}'>".format(latest_id, latest)
self.msg += "\n<upgrade file: '{} - {}'>".format(upgrade_id, upgrade)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class NoVersionPattern(Exception):
Raised if no version facet found in the destination format.
def __init__(self, regex, patterns):
self.msg = "No version pattern found."
self.msg += "\n<format: '{}'>".format(regex)
self.msg += "\n<available patterns: '{}'>".format(patterns)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class ReadAccessDenied(Exception):
Raised when user has no read access.
def __init__(self, user, path):
self.msg = "Read permission required."
self.msg += "\n<user: '{}'>".format(user)
self.msg += "\n<path: '{}'>".format(path)
self.msg += "\n<permissions: '{}'>".format(oct(os.stat(path).st_mode)[-4:])
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class WriteAccessDenied(Exception):
Raised when user has not write access.
def __init__(self, user, path):
self.msg = "Write permission required."
self.msg += "\n<user: '{}'>".format(user)
self.msg += "\n<path: '{}'>".format(path)
self.msg += "\n<permissions: '{}'>".format(oct(os.stat(path).st_mode)[-4:])
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class CrossMigrationDenied(Exception):
Raised when migration fails for cross-device link.
def __init__(self, src, dst, mode):
self.msg = "Migration on cross-device disallowed."
self.msg += "\n<src: '{}'>".format(src)
self.msg += "\n<dst: '{}'>".format(dst)
self.msg += "\n<mode: '{}'>".format(mode)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class MigrationDenied(Exception):
Raised when migration fails in another case.
def __init__(self, src, dst, mode, reason):
self.msg = "Migration disallowed."
self.msg += "\n<src: '{}'>".format(src)
self.msg += "\n<dst: '{}'>".format(dst)
self.msg += "\n<mode: '{}'>".format(mode)
self.msg += "\n<reason: '{}'>".format(reason)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)
[docs]class InconsistentDRSPath(Exception):
Raised when DRS path doesn't start with the project ID.
def __init__(self, project, path):
self.msg = "DRS path must start with the project name (case-insensitive)."
self.msg += "\n<project: '{}'>".format(project)
self.msg += "\n<path: '{}'>".format(path)
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.msg)