Source code for esgprep.fetchini.context

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    :platform: Unix
    :synopsis: Processing context used in this module.


from constants import *
from esgprep.utils.constants import GITHUB_API_PARAMETER
from esgprep.utils.context import GitHubBaseContext
from esgprep.utils.github import *

[docs]class ProcessingContext(GitHubBaseContext): """ Encapsulates the processing context/information for main process. :param ArgumentParser args: The command-line arguments parser :returns: The processing context :rtype: *ProcessingContext* """ def __init__(self, args): super(ProcessingContext, self).__init__(args) self.config_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(args.i)) self.ref = 'devel' if args.devel else 'master' self.url = GITHUB_CONTENT_API self.url += GITHUB_API_PARAMETER.format('ref', self.ref) self.files = None def __enter__(self): super(ProcessingContext, self).__enter__() Print.debug('Fetch from "{}" GitHub reference'.format(self.ref)) # Get files infos from repository content r = gh_request_content(url=self.url, auth=self.auth) infos = {f['name']: f for f in r.json() if, f['name'])} # Get the list of project to fetch p_found = set([, x).group(1) for x in infos.keys()]) # Control specified project names if self.project: p = set(self.project) p_avail = p_found.intersection(p) if p.difference(p_avail): msg = 'No such project(s): {} -- '.format(', '.join(p.difference(p_avail))) msg += 'Available remote projects are: {}'.format(', '.join(list(p_found))) Print.warning(msg) self.project = p_avail else: # Get all projects self.project = p_found # Remove undesired files self.files = {k: v for k, v in infos.items() if k in ['esg.{}.ini'.format(p) for p in self.project]} # Get number of files to fetch self.nfiles = len(self.files) if not self.nfiles: Print.warning('No files found on remote repository') sys.exit(2) return self