# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: Generates ESGF mapfiles upon a local ESGF node or not.
import itertools
import traceback
from multiprocessing import Pool
from ESGConfigParser import interpolate, MissingPatternKey, BadInterpolation, InterpolationDepthError
from lockfile import LockFile
from constants import *
from context import ProcessingContext
from custom_exceptions import *
from esgprep.utils.custom_print import *
from esgprep.utils.misc import evaluate, remove, get_checksum, ProcessContext
from esgprep.utils.output_control import OutputControl
from handler import File, Dataset
[docs]def get_output_mapfile(outdir, attributes, mapfile_name, dataset_id, dataset_version, mapfile_drs=None, basename=False):
Builds the mapfile full path depending on:
* the --mapfile name using tokens,
* an optional mapfile tree declared in configuration file with ``mapfile_drs``,
* the --outdir output directory.
:param str outdir: The output directory (default is current working directory)
:param dict attributes: The facets values deduces from file full path
:param str mapfile_name: An optional mapfile name from the command-line
:param str dataset_id: The dataset id
:param str dataset_version: The dataset version
:param str mapfile_drs: The optional mapfile tree
:param boolean basename: True to only get mapfile name without root directory
:returns: The mapfile full path
:rtype: *str*
# Deduce output directory from --outdir and 'mapfile_drs'
if not basename:
if mapfile_drs:
outdir = os.path.join(outdir, interpolate(mapfile_drs, attributes))
except (BadInterpolation, InterpolationDepthError):
raise MissingPatternKey(attributes.keys(), mapfile_drs)
outdir = os.path.realpath(outdir)
# Create output directory if not exists, catch OSError instead
except OSError:
# Deduce mapfile name from --mapfile argument
if re.compile(r'{dataset_id}').search(mapfile_name):
mapfile_name = re.sub(r'{dataset_id}', dataset_id, mapfile_name)
if re.compile(r'{version}').search(mapfile_name):
if dataset_version:
mapfile_name = re.sub(r'{version}', dataset_version, mapfile_name)
mapfile_name = re.sub(r'\.{version}', '', mapfile_name)
if re.compile(r'{date}').search(mapfile_name):
mapfile_name = re.sub(r'{date}', datetime.now().strftime("%Y%d%m"), mapfile_name)
if re.compile(r'{job_id}').search(mapfile_name):
mapfile_name = re.sub(r'{job_id}', str(os.getpid()), mapfile_name)
# Add a "working extension" pending for the end of process
if basename:
return mapfile_name + WORKING_EXTENSION
return os.path.join(outdir, mapfile_name) + WORKING_EXTENSION
[docs]def mapfile_entry(dataset_id, dataset_version, ffp, size, optional_attrs):
Builds the mapfile entry corresponding to a processed file.
:param str dataset_id: The dataset id
:param str dataset_version: The dataset version
:param str ffp: The file full path
:param str size: The file size
:param dict optional_attrs: Optional attributes to append to mapfile lines
:returns: The mapfile line/entry
:rtype: *str*
line = [dataset_id]
# Add version number to dataset identifier if --no-version flag is disabled
if dataset_version:
line = ['{}#{}'.format(dataset_id, dataset_version[1:])]
for k, v in optional_attrs.items():
if v:
line.append('{}={}'.format(k, v))
return ' | '.join(line) + '\n'
[docs]def write(outfile, entry):
Inserts a mapfile entry.
It generates a lockfile to avoid that several threads write on the same file at the same time.
A LockFile is acquired and released after writing. Acquiring LockFile is timeouted if it's locked by other thread.
Each process adds one line to the appropriate mapfile
:param str outfile: The output mapfile full path
:param str entry: The mapfile entry to write
lock = LockFile(outfile)
with lock:
with open(outfile, 'a+') as mapfile:
[docs]def process(source):
File process that:
* Handles file,
* Harvests directory attributes,
* Check DRS attributes against CV,
* Builds dataset ID,
* Retrieves file size,
* Does checksums,
* Deduces mapfile name,
* Writes the corresponding mapfile entry.
Any error leads to skip the file. It does not stop the process.
:param str source: The source to process could be a path or a dataset ID
:returns: The output mapfile full path
:rtype: *str*
# Get process content from process global env
assert 'pctx' in globals().keys()
pctx = globals()['pctx']
# Block to avoid program stop if a thread fails
if pctx.source_type == 'file':
# Instantiate source handle as file
sh = File(source)
# Instantiate source handler as dataset
sh = Dataset(source)
# Matching between directory_format and file full path
# Deduce dataset_id
dataset_id = pctx.dataset_name
if not pctx.dataset_name:
dataset_id = sh.get_dataset_id(pctx.cfg.get('dataset_id', raw=True))
# Ensure that the first facet is ALWAYS the same as the called project section (case insensitive)
if not dataset_id.lower().startswith(pctx.project.lower()):
raise InconsistentDatasetID(pctx.project, dataset_id.lower())
# Deduce dataset_version
dataset_version = sh.get_dataset_version(pctx.no_version)
# Build mapfile name depending on the --mapfile flag and appropriate tokens
outfile = get_output_mapfile(outdir=pctx.outdir,
# Dry-run: don't write mapfile to only show their paths
if pctx.action == 'make':
# Generate the corresponding mapfile entry/line
optional_attrs = dict()
optional_attrs['mod_time'] = sh.mtime
if pctx.no_checksum:
optional_attrs['checksum'] = get_checksum(sh.source, pctx.checksum_type, pctx.checksums_from)
optional_attrs['checksum_type'] = pctx.checksum_type.upper()
optional_attrs['dataset_tech_notes'] = pctx.notes_url
optional_attrs['dataset_tech_notes_title'] = pctx.notes_title
line = mapfile_entry(dataset_id=dataset_id,
write(outfile, line)
msg += '{}'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outfile))[0])
msg += ' <-- ' + COLORS.HEADER(source)
with pctx.lock:
# Return mapfile name
return outfile
# Catch any exception into error log instead of stop the run
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
exc = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()
msg = TAGS.SKIP + COLORS.HEADER(source) + '\n'
msg += '\n'.join(exc)
with pctx.lock:
Print.exception(msg, buffer=True)
return None
with pctx.lock:
pctx.progress.value += 1
percentage = int(pctx.progress.value * 100 / pctx.nbsources)
msg = COLORS.OKBLUE('\rMapfile(s) generation: ')
msg += '{}% | {}/{} {}'.format(percentage, pctx.progress.value,
pctx.nbsources, SOURCE_TYPE[pctx.source_type])
[docs]def initializer(keys, values):
Initialize process context by setting particular variables as global variables.
:param list keys: Argument name list
:param list values: Argument value list
assert len(keys) == len(values)
global pctx
pctx = ProcessContext({key: values[i] for i, key in enumerate(keys)})
[docs]def run(args):
Main process that:
* Instantiates processing context,
* Parallelizes file processing with threads pools,
* Copies mapfile(s) to the output directory,
* Evaluate exit status.
:param ArgumentParser args: Command-line arguments parser
# Deal with 'quiet' option separately. If set, turn off all output
# before creating ProcessingContext, and turn it on only when needed
quiet = args.quiet if hasattr(args, 'quiet') else False
if quiet:
output_control = OutputControl()
# Instantiate processing context
with ProcessingContext(args) as ctx:
# Init process context
cctx = {name: getattr(ctx, name) for name in PROCESS_VARS}
# Init progress bar
if ctx.use_pool:
# Init processes pool
pool = Pool(processes=ctx.processes, initializer=initializer, initargs=(cctx.keys(), cctx.values()))
processes = pool.imap(process, ctx.sources)
initializer(cctx.keys(), cctx.values())
processes = itertools.imap(process, ctx.sources)
# Process supplied sources
results = [x for x in processes]
# Close pool of workers if exists
if 'pool' in locals().keys():
# Flush buffer
# Get number of files scanned (excluding errors/skipped files)
ctx.scan_data = len(filter(None, results))
# Get number of scan errors
ctx.scan_errors = results.count(None)
# Get number of generated mapfiles
ctx.nbmap = len(filter(None, set(results)))
# Evaluates the scan results to finalize mapfiles writing
if evaluate(results):
for mapfile in filter(None, set(results)):
# Remove mapfile working extension
if ctx.action == 'show':
# Print mapfiles to be generated
result = remove(WORKING_EXTENSION, mapfile)
if quiet:
print result
elif ctx.action == 'make':
# A final mapfile is silently overwritten if already exists
os.rename(mapfile, remove(WORKING_EXTENSION, mapfile))
# Evaluate errors and exit with appropriated return code
if ctx.scan_errors > 0: