
This site contains Legacy ESGF Publisher Software documentation. For documentation for recent versions of the software, please see:

The esg-publisher requires a pre-installed ESGF node and the installation of CDAT. By default the installation of the esg-publisher is part of the ESGF node installation that also installs CDAT and generates most of the publisher configs.

If you want to install a new version without upgrading the ESGF node you can use pip or install the package from source.


In order to install/upgrade the publisher in the default esgf-pub conda environment, you must run effectively as the root user.

Installation with pip

$ source /usr/local/conda/bin/activate esgf-pub
$ pip install --upgrade esgcet
# Upgrades the esg-publsher (aka `esgcet`) to the latest available version and all prerequisite packages

To install a specific version of the publisher (without upgrading all packages), eg. v3.5.11, perform the source command as above, and:

$ pip install esgcet==3.5.11

Installation from source

Clone the Github repo and install the esgcet package using

ESGF v2.5 or later

$ source /usr/local/conda/bin/activate esgf-pub
$ git clone
$ cd esg-publisher/src/python/esgcet
$ python install

ESGF v2.4.x or earlier

$ source /etc/esg.env
$ git clone
$ cd esg-publisher/src/python/esgcet
$ python install