Verification ------------ .. warning:: ESGF-Ansible is completely separate from the legacy 2.x ESGF-Installer. The tools provided by ESGF-Installer are, in general, incompatible with ESGF-Ansible and should not be used in cooperation with ESGF-Ansible. The FAQ page describes how to upgrade a node from the legacy installer using ESGF-Ansible, after which point the legacy tools should no longer be used. Status ====== The status of a node, or multiple nodes, can be checked with the ``status.yml`` playbook. :: ansible-playbook -v -i hosts.test status.yml This can be neatly combined with ``start.yml`` and ``stop.yml``. The following will restart a node, then check its status. :: ansible-playbook -v -i hosts.test stop.yml start.yml status.yml Logs ==== While ``status.yml`` will report on various ports and URLs that services are listening on, it is not a replacement for a human inspecting log files. The following locations may be useful references for the services being ran on a node. This list is not comprehensive and potentially is subject to change. httpd ***** ``/etc/httpd/logs/*`` Tomcat ****** ``/usr/local/tomcat/logs/*`` Thredds ******* ``/esg/content/thredds/logs/*``, specifically ``threddsServlet.log`` MyProxy ******* ``/var/log/messages`` CoG *** ``/etc/cog-wsgi-8889/error_log`` SLCS **** ``/etc/slcs-wsgi-8888/error_log``