Source code for esgf_build

#!usr/bin/env python
'''Modules needed mostly to access terminal commands'''
import subprocess
import shlex
import os
import shutil
import glob
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import mmap
from git import Repo
import repo_info
import build_utilities

# Everything works and is tested up to update node and upload.
# Still need to try and eliminate tarballs entirely, eliminate hard-coded
# script settings in esg-node, use subprocess to set java and python paths,
# remove ivy.xml, etc.
# Current idea was to replace build_list with repo_info.CREATE_DIRECTORY_LIST
# in create_local_mirror_directory and create_esgf_tarballs function in order to
# set up esgf-installer which is needed in line 162 onward.
# esgf_upload remains un-tested and is a direct copy of the bash script
# into a subprocess.

from git import RemoteProgress

class ProgressPrinter(RemoteProgress):
    def update(self, op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message=''):
        print op_code, cur_count, max_count, cur_count / (max_count or 100.0), message or "NO MESSAGE"

[docs]def get_latest_tag(repo): '''accepts a GitPython Repo object and returns the latest annotated tag ''' # provides all the tags, reverses them (so that you can get the latest # tag) and then takes only the first from the list tag_list = repo.tags latest_tag = str(tag_list[-1]) return latest_tag
[docs]def create_taglist_file(taglist_file, repo_name, latest_tag): ''' Creates a file containing the latest tag for each repo ''' taglist_file.write("-------------------------\n") taglist_file.write(repo_name + "\n") taglist_file.write("-------------------------\n") taglist_file.write(latest_tag + "\n") taglist_file.write("\n")
def create_commits_since_last_tag_file(commits_since_last_tag_file, repo_name, latest_tag): commits_since_tag = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split( "git log {latest_tag}..HEAD".format(latest_tag=latest_tag))) if commits_since_tag: print "There are new commits since the last annotated tag for {repo_name}".format(repo_name=repo_name) print "See commits_since_last_tag.txt for more details \n" commits_since_last_tag_file.write("-------------------------\n") commits_since_last_tag_file.write("Commits since last tag ({latest_tag}) for {repo_name}".format( latest_tag=latest_tag, repo_name=repo_name) + "\n") commits_since_last_tag_file.write("-------------------------\n") commits_since_last_tag_file.write(commits_since_tag + "\n")
[docs]def update_repo(repo_name, repo_object, active_branch): ''' accepts a GitPython Repo object and updates the specified branch ''' print "Checkout {repo_name}'s {active_branch} branch".format(repo_name=repo_name, active_branch=active_branch) repo_object.git.checkout(active_branch) progress_printer = ProgressPrinter() repo_object.remotes.origin.pull("{active_branch}:{active_branch}".format( active_branch=active_branch), progress=progress_printer) print "Updating: " + repo_name
[docs]def update_all(active_branch, repo_directory): '''Checks each repo in the REPO_LIST for the most updated branch, and uses taglist to track versions ''' print "Beginning to update directories." commits_since_last_tag_file = open(os.path.join( repo_directory, "commits_since_last_tag.txt"), "w") taglist_file = open(os.path.join(repo_directory, "taglist.txt"), "w+") for repo in repo_info.REPO_LIST: try: os.chdir(repo_directory + "/" + repo) except OSError: print "Directory for {repo} does not exist".format(repo=repo) repo_handle = Repo(os.getcwd()) update_repo(repo, repo_handle, active_branch) latest_tag = get_latest_tag(repo_handle) create_taglist_file(taglist_file, repo, latest_tag) create_commits_since_last_tag_file(commits_since_last_tag_file, repo, latest_tag) os.chdir("..") taglist_file.close() commits_since_last_tag_file.close() print "Directory updates complete."
[docs]def build_all(build_list, starting_directory): '''Takes a list of repositories to build, and uses ant to build them ''' # TODO: use subprocess w/ bash command to set the java and python paths # TODO: add loading bar while ant runs? # TODO: include installer in build script for final version # TODO: Remove ivy.xml directory? ant_path = find_executable('ant') #java_path = find_executable('java') #python_path = find_executable('python') log_directory = starting_directory + "/buildlogs" if not os.path.exists(log_directory): os.makedirs(log_directory) for repo in build_list: print "Building repo: " + repo os.chdir(starting_directory + "/" + repo) # repos getcert and stats-api do not need an ant pull call if repo == 'esgf-getcert': #clean and dist only clean_log = log_directory + "/" + repo + "-clean.log" with open(clean_log, "w") as fgc1: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output('{ant} clean'.format(ant=ant_path), fgc1) build_log = log_directory + "/" + repo + "-build.log" with open(build_log, "w") as fgc2: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output('{ant} dist'.format(ant=ant_path), fgc2) os.chdir("..") continue if repo == 'esgf-stats-api': #clean and make_dist only clean_log = log_directory + "/" + repo + "-clean.log" with open(clean_log, "w") as fsapi1: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output( '{ant} clean_all'.format(ant=ant_path), fsapi1) build_log = log_directory + "/" + repo + "-build.log" with open(build_log, "w") as fsapi2: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output( "{ant} make_dist".format(ant=ant_path), fsapi2) os.chdir('..') continue #clean, build, and make_dist #TODO: Add publish step clean_log = log_directory + "/" + repo + "-clean.log" with open(clean_log, "w") as file1: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output('{ant} clean_all'.format(ant=ant_path), file1) pull_log = log_directory + "/" + repo + "-pull.log" with open(pull_log, "w") as file2: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output('{ant} pull'.format(ant=ant_path), file2) build_log = log_directory + "/" + repo + "-build.log" with open(build_log, "w") as file3: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output("{ant} make_dist".format(ant=ant_path), file3) os.chdir("..") print "\nRepository builds complete." #TODO: extract to separate function #TODO: list clean, pull, and publish logs as well print "Finding esgf log files.\n" # uses glob to find all esgf log files then iterates over the log files , # opens them and uses a mmap object to search through for BUILD reference # returns the ones with BUILD references to be checked by a script during build all_logs = glob.glob('buildlogs/esg*-*-build.log') for log in all_logs: with open(log) as flog: mmap_object = mmap.mmap(flog.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) if mmap_object.find('BUILD') != -1: return log
[docs]def copy_artifacts_to_local_mirror(esgf_artifact_directory): ''' The web artifacts (jars and wars) get placed at ~/.ivy2/local/esgf-artifacts/ after running the ant builds. This function copies them to the local mirror''' local_artifacts_directory = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".ivy2", "local", "esgf-artifacts") try: shutil.copytree(local_artifacts_directory, esgf_artifact_directory) except OSError, error: shutil.rmtree(esgf_artifact_directory) shutil.copytree(local_artifacts_directory, esgf_artifact_directory)
[docs]def create_local_mirror_directory(active_branch, starting_directory, build_list): '''Creates a directory for ESGF binaries that will get RSynced and uploaded to the remote distribution mirrors''' # if active_branch is devel then copy to dist folder for devel # if active_branch is master then copy to dist folder print "\nCreating local mirrror directory." print "starting_directory:", starting_directory components = {} components["esgf-dashboard"] = ['bin/esg-dashboard', 'dist/esgf_dashboard-0.0.0-py2.7.egg', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'LICENSE'] components["esgf-idp"] = ['bin/esg-idp', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'LICENSE'] components["esgf-installer"] = ['jar_security_scan', 'globus/esg-globus', 'esg-bootstrap', 'esg-node', 'esg-init', 'esg-functions', 'esg-gitstrap', 'esg-node.completion', '', 'compute-tools/esg-compute-languages', 'compute-tools/esg-compute-tools', 'INSTALL', '', 'LICENSE'] components["esgf-node-manager"] = ['bin/esg-node-manager', 'bin/esgf-sh', 'bin/esgf-spotcheck', 'etc/xsd/registration/registration.xsd', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'LICENSE'] components["esgf-security"] = ['bin/esgf-user-migrate', 'bin/esg-security', 'bin/esgf-policy-check', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'LICENSE'] components["esg-orp"] = ['bin/esg-orp', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'LICENSE'] # components['esgf-getcert'] = ['README', 'LICENSE'] components["esg-search"] = ['bin/esg-search', 'bin/esgf-crawl', 'bin/esgf-optimize-index', 'etc/conf/jetty/jetty.xml-auth', 'etc/conf/jetty/', 'etc/conf/jetty/webdefault.xml-auth', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'LICENSE'] components['esgf-product-server'] = ['esg-product-server'] components["filters"] = ['esg-access-logging-filter', 'esg-drs-resolving-filter', 'esg-security-las-ip-filter', 'esg-security-tokenless-filters'] components["esgf-cog"] = ['esg-cog'] # components['esgf-stats-api'] = ['bin/esg_stats-api_v2', 'dist/esgf-stats-api.war'] # Make separate directories and move these components from esgf-installer to new specific directories try: shutil.copytree("esgf-installer/product-server/", "esgf-product-server") except OSError, error: shutil.rmtree("esgf-product-server") shutil.copytree("esgf-installer/product-server/", "esgf-product-server") try: shutil.copytree("esgf-installer/filters/", "filters") except OSError, error: shutil.rmtree("filters") shutil.copytree("esgf-installer/filters/", "filters") try: shutil.copytree("esgf-installer/cog/", "esgf-cog") except OSError, error: shutil.rmtree("esgf-cog") shutil.copytree("esgf-installer/cog/", "esgf-cog") # dist-repos -> esgf_bin if active_branch == "devel": esgf_binary_directory = os.path.join( starting_directory, 'esgf_bin', 'prod', 'dist', 'devel') else: esgf_binary_directory = os.path.join(starting_directory, 'esgf_bin', 'prod', 'dist') esgf_artifact_directory = os.path.join(starting_directory, 'esgf_bin', 'prod', 'artifacts') build_utilities.mkdir_p(esgf_binary_directory) build_utilities.mkdir_p(esgf_artifact_directory) copy_artifacts_to_local_mirror(esgf_artifact_directory) for component in components.keys(): component_binary_directory = os.path.join(esgf_binary_directory, component) build_utilities.mkdir_p(component_binary_directory) os.chdir(component) print "current_directory: ", os.getcwd() for file_path in components[component]: shutil.copy(file_path, component_binary_directory) os.chdir("..")
[docs]def update_esg_node(active_branch, starting_directory, script_settings_local): '''Updates information in esg-node file''' # TODO: in the future, remove hard-coded script settings from esgf-node os.chdir("../esgf-installer") src_dir = os.getcwd() repo_handle = Repo(os.getcwd()) repo_handle.git.checkout(active_branch) repo_handle.remotes.origin.pull() get_most_recent_commit(repo_handle) if active_branch == 'devel': installer_dir = (starting_directory + '/esgf_bin/prod/dist/devel/esgf-installer/' + script_settings_local['script_major_version']) last_push_dir = (starting_directory + '/dist-repos/prod/dist/devel') else: installer_dir = (starting_directory + '/esgf_bin/prod/dist/esgf-installer/' + script_settings_local['script_major_version']) last_push_dir = (starting_directory + '/dist-repos/prod/dist') replace_script_maj_version = '2.0' replace_release = 'Centaur' replace_version = 'v2.0-RC5.4.0-devel' print "Updating node with script versions." build_utilities.replace_string_in_file('esg-node', replace_script_maj_version, script_settings_local['script_major_version']) build_utilities.replace_string_in_file( 'esg-node', replace_release, script_settings_local['script_release']) build_utilities.replace_string_in_file( 'esg-node', replace_version, script_settings_local['script_version']) print "Copying esg-init and auto-installer." shutil.copyfile(src_dir + "/esg-init", installer_dir + "/esg-init") shutil.copyfile(src_dir + "/setup-autoinstall", installer_dir + "/setup-autoinstall") with open('esg-init.md5', 'w') as file1: file1.write(build_utilities.get_md5sum('esg-init')) with open('esg-node.md5', 'w') as file1: file1.write(build_utilities.get_md5sum('esg-node')) with open('esg-autoinstall.md5', 'w') as file1: file1.write(build_utilities.get_md5sum('esg-autoinstall')) os.chdir(last_push_dir) with open('lastpush.md5', 'w') as file1: file1.write(build_utilities.get_md5sum(last_push_dir))
[docs]def esgf_upload(): '''Uses rsync to upload to coffee server''' # use rsync to upload print "Beginning upload." with open('esgfupload.log', 'a') as file1: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output("rsync -arWvu dist-repos/prod/ -e ssh --delete" / "" / "2>&1 |tee esgfupload.log", file1) with open('esgfupload.log', 'a') as file1: build_utilities.stream_subprocess_output("rsync -arWvunO dist-repos/prod/ -e ssh --delete" / "" / " 2>&1 |tee esgfupload.log", file1) print "Upload completed!"
[docs]def create_build_list(build_list, select_repo, all_repos_opt): '''Creates a list of repos to build depending on a menu that the user picks from''' # If the user has indicated that all repos should be built, then the repos # from the repo list in repo info is purged of exclusions and set as the build_list if all_repos_opt is True: build_list = repo_info.REPO_LIST for repo in build_list: if repo in repo_info.REPOS_TO_EXCLUDE: print "EXCLUSION FOUND: " + repo build_list.remove(repo) continue print "Building repos: " + str(build_list) print "\n" return # If the user has selcted the repos to build, the indexes are used to select # the repo names from the menu , any selected repos on the exclusion list are # purged, and the rest are appened to the build_list select_repo = select_repo.split(',') select_repo = map(int, select_repo) for repo_num in select_repo: repo_name = repo_info.REPO_LIST[repo_num] if repo_name in repo_info.REPOS_TO_EXCLUDE: print "EXCLUSION FOUND: " + repo_name continue else: build_list.append(repo_name) if not build_list: print "No applicable repos selected." exit() else: print "Building repos: " + str(build_list) print "\n"
[docs]def set_script_settings(default_script_q, script_settings_local): '''Sets the script settings depending on input or default''' if default_script_q.lower() not in ['y', 'yes', '']: script_settings_local['script_major_version'] = raw_input("Please set the" + " script_major_version: ") script_settings_local['script_release'] = raw_input("Please set the script_release: ") script_settings_local['script_version'] = raw_input("Please set the script version: ") return script_settings_local print "Using default script settings." return repo_info.SCRIPT_INFO.copy()
[docs]def find_path_to_repos(starting_directory): '''Checks the path provided to the repos to see if it exists''' if os.path.isdir(os.path.realpath(starting_directory)): starting_directory = os.path.realpath(starting_directory) return False create_path_q = raw_input("The path does not exist. Do you want " + starting_directory + " to be created? (Y or YES)") if create_path_q.lower() not in ["yes", "y"]: print "Not a valid response. Directory not created." return True os.makedirs(starting_directory) starting_directory = os.path.realpath(starting_directory) return False
[docs]def get_most_recent_commit(repo_handle): '''Gets the most recent commit w/ log and list comprehension''' repo_handle.git.log() mst_rcnt_cmmt = repo_handle.git.log().split("\ncommit")[0] return mst_rcnt_cmmt
[docs]def main(): '''User prompted for build specifications and functions for build are called''' build_list = [] select_repo = [] script_settings_local = {} while True: active_branch = raw_input("Do you want to update devel or master branch? ") if active_branch.lower() not in ["devel", "master"]: print "Please choose either master or devel." continue else: break while True: starting_directory = raw_input("Please provide the path to the" + " repositories on your system: ").strip() if not find_path_to_repos(starting_directory): break update_all(active_branch, starting_directory) # Use a raw_input statement to ask which repos should be built, then call # the create_build_list with all_repos_opt set to either True or False print repo_info.REPO_MENU while True: select_repo = raw_input("Which repositories will be built? (Hit [Enter] for all) ") if not select_repo: all_repo_q = raw_input("Do you want to build all repositories? (Y or YES) ") if all_repo_q.lower() not in ["yes", "y", ""]: print "Not a valid response." continue else: create_build_list(build_list, select_repo, all_repos_opt=True) break else: try: create_build_list(build_list, select_repo, all_repos_opt=False) break except (ValueError, IndexError): print "Invalid entry, please enter repos to build." continue # Ask the user if they want to use default script settings, if yes call the # set_script_settings function print ("Default Script Settings: \n" + 'SCRIPT_MAJOR_VERSION = ' + repo_info.SCRIPT_INFO['script_major_version'] + "\n" + 'SCRIPT_RELEASE = ' + repo_info.SCRIPT_INFO['script_release'] + "\n" + 'SCRIPT_VERSION = ' + repo_info.SCRIPT_INFO['script_version']) default_script_q = raw_input("\nDo you want to use the default script settings? (Y or YES): ") script_settings_local = set_script_settings(default_script_q, script_settings_local) print script_settings_local print "Script settings set." build_all(build_list, starting_directory) create_local_mirror_directory(active_branch, starting_directory, build_list)
# # try: # update_esg_node(active_branch, starting_directory, script_settings_local) # except IOError: # print ("esgf_bin for installer not present, node update and server upload cannot be completed.") # esgf_upload() if __name__ == '__main__': main()