Source code for purge_and_clone_fresh_repos

'''Utility module for purging local ESGF repos and cloning fresh copies from Github'''
#!usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import shutil
from git import Repo
from git import RemoteProgress
import repo_info

[docs]class MyProgressPrinter(RemoteProgress): '''Helper class for printing streaming output when cloning from Github''' def update(self, op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message=''): if message: print self._cur_line print message
[docs]def purge_repos(repo_directory): '''Delete all local ESGF repos from the repo_directory that are listed in the repo_info file''' for repo in repo_info.REPO_LIST: try: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(repo_directory, repo)) print repo + " removed succesfully." except OSError: print repo + " does not exist on this system." print(repo + " skipped.")
[docs]def clone_repos(repo_directory): '''Clone fresh ESGF repos that are listed in the repo_info file to the repo_directory''' for repo_url in repo_info.ALL_REPO_URLS: # In the future, if a module with more than 2 "-"s is created, this will # need to be revised # strips.git from the string to make using reg-ex easier strip_repo = repo_url.replace(".git", "") directory_name ='esg\w*-\w+\W*\w+', strip_repo).group() repo_path = os.path.join(repo_directory, directory_name) print("Currently cloning repo: " + directory_name) Repo.clone_from(repo_url, repo_path, progress=MyProgressPrinter()) print(directory_name + " successfully cloned -> {repo_path}".format(repo_path=repo_path))
def main(): # Search for and remove appropriate repos default_repo_directory = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "Development") repo_directory = raw_input("Enter the directory where the repos will be placed [{default_repo_directory}]: ".format( default_repo_directory=default_repo_directory)) or default_repo_directory purge_repos(repo_directory) clone_repos(repo_directory) if __name__ == '__main__': main()