Source code for esgprep.drs.context

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    :platform: Unix
    :synopsis: Processing context used in this module.


from uuid import uuid4 as uuid

from constants import *
from custom_exceptions import *
from esgprep.utils.collectors import Collector
from esgprep.utils.context import MultiprocessingContext
from esgprep.utils.custom_print import *
from esgprep.utils.misc import load_checksums
from handler import DRSTree, DRSPath

[docs]class ProcessingContext(MultiprocessingContext): """ Encapsulates the processing context/information for main process. :param ArgumentParser args: Parsed command-line arguments :returns: The processing context :rtype: *ProcessingContext* """ def __init__(self, args): super(ProcessingContext, self).__init__(args) # DRS root tree self.root = os.path.normpath(args.root) # Scan behavior self.rescan = args.rescan self.commands_file = args.commands_file self.overwrite_commands_file = args.overwrite_commands_file self.upgrade_from_latest = args.upgrade_from_latest try: self.ignore_from_latest = self.upgrade_from_latest = True except (TypeError, IOError, AttributeError): self.ignore_from_latest = list() try: self.ignore_from_incoming = except (TypeError, IOError, AttributeError): self.ignore_from_incoming = list() # DRS migration mode if args.copy: self.mode = 'copy' elif self.mode = 'link' elif args.symlink: self.mode = 'symlink' else: self.mode = 'move' # Specified version self.version = args.version DRSPath.TREE_VERSION = 'v{}'.format(args.version) # Declare counters for summary self.scan = True if self.commands_file and self.action != 'todo': Print.warning('"todo" action ignores "--commands-file" argument') self.commands_file = None if self.overwrite_commands_file and not self.commands_file: Print.warning('"--overwrite-commands-file" ignored') # Checksumming if hasattr(args, 'checksums_from'): if args.checksums_from: self.checksums_from = load_checksums(args.checksums_from) else: self.checksums_from = args.checksums_from self.no_checksum = args.no_checksum if self.no_checksum: msg = 'Checksumming disabled, DRS breach could occur -- ' msg += 'Duplicated files will not be detected properly -- ' msg += 'It is highly recommend to activate checksumming processes.' Print.warning(msg) def __enter__(self): super(ProcessingContext, self).__enter__() # Get the DRS facet keys from pattern self.facets = self.cfg.get_facets('directory_format') # Check if --commands-file argument specifies existing file self.check_existing_commands_file() # Raise error when %(version)s is not part of the final directory format if 'version' not in self.facets: raise NoVersionPattern(self.cfg.get('directory_format'), self.facets) # Consider hard-coded elements in directory format idx = 0 for pattern_element in self.cfg.get('directory_format').strip().split("/"): try: # If pattern is %(...)s, get its index in the list of facets key = re.match(re.compile(r'%\(([\w]+)\)s'), pattern_element).groups()[0] idx = self.facets.index(key) except AttributeError: # If pattern is not %(...)s, generate a uuid() key = str(uuid()) # Insert hard-coded string in self.facets to be part of DRS path self.facets.insert(idx + 1, key) # Set the value using --set-value self.set_values[key] = pattern_element # Add the uuid to the ignored keys IGNORED_KEYS.append(key) self.pattern = self.cfg.translate('filename_format') # Init DRS tree self.tree = DRSTree(self.root, self.version, self.mode, self.commands_file) # Init data collector self.sources = Collector( # Init file filter # Only supports netCDF files self.sources.FileFilter.add(regex='^.*\.nc$') # And exclude hidden files self.sources.FileFilter.add(regex='^\..*$', inclusive=False) # Get number of sources self.nbsources = len(self.sources) return self
[docs] def check_existing_commands_file(self): """ Check for existing commands file, and depending on ``--overwrite-commands-file`` setting, either delete it or throw a fatal error. """ if self.commands_file and os.path.exists(self.commands_file): if self.overwrite_commands_file: os.remove(self.commands_file) else: msg = 'Command file "{}" already exists --'.format(self.commands_file) msg += 'Please use "--overwrite-commands-file" option.' Print.error(COLORS.FAIL(msg)) sys.exit(1)