Source code for esg_functions

#!/usr/bin/local/env python
''' esg-functions: ESGF Node Application Stack Functions
    description: Installer Functions for the ESGF Node application stack
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import re
import shutil
import datetime
import logging
import tarfile
import hashlib
import shlex
import socket
import glob
import errno
import json
import pwd
import grp
import stat
import getpass
import ConfigParser
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import requests
import yaml
import netifaces
from clint.textui import progress
from lxml import etree
from esg_exceptions import UnverifiedScriptError, SubprocessError, NoNodeTypeError
import pybash
import esg_property_manager
from plumbum import local
from plumbum import TEE
from plumbum import BG
from plumbum.commands import ProcessExecutionError

with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'esg_config.yaml'), 'r') as config_file:
    config = yaml.load(config_file)

logger = logging.getLogger("esgf_logger" + "." + __name__)

# Process Launching and Checking...

[docs]def get_md5sum(file_name): ''' #Utility function, wraps md5sum so it may be used on either mac or #linux machines ''' hasher = hashlib.md5() with open(file_name, 'rb') as file_handle: buf = hasher.update(buf) file_name_md5 = hasher.hexdigest() logger.debug("local_file_md5 : %s", file_name_md5) return file_name_md5
[docs]def get_md5sum_password(password): ''' Hash a password to get it's md5 value ''' password_hasher = hashlib.md5() password_hasher.update(password) return password_hasher.hexdigest()
#---------------------------------------------------------- # Path munging... #----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def path_unique(path_string=os.environ["PATH"], path_separator=":"): ''' Prints a unique path string The first (leftmost) instance of a path entry will be the one that is preserved. If $1 is specified, it will be taken as the string to deduplicate, otherwise $PATH is used. If $2 is specified, it will be taken as the path separator, which otherwise defaults to ':' ''' split_path = path_string.split(path_separator) return ":".join(sorted(set(split_path), key=split_path.index))
[docs]def readlinkf(file_name): ''' This is a portable implementation of GNU's "readlink -f" in bash/zsh, following symlinks recursively until they end in a file, and will print the full dereferenced path of the specified file even if the file isn't a symlink. Loop detection exists, but only as an abort after passing a maximum length. ''' return os.path.realpath(file_name)
#---------------------------------------------------------- # File reading and writing... #----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def prefix_to_path(path, prepend_value): ''' Prepends path components to a variable, deduplicates the list, then prints to stdout the export command required to prepend that list to that variable. Takes as arguments first a variable containing a colon-separated path to prepend to, then a space-separated collection of paths to prepend -- these path components MUST NOT contain spaces. If insufficient arguments are present, a warning message is printed to stderr and nothing is printed to stdout. Example: prefix_to_path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /foo/lib /bar/lib Would result in the entry: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/foo/lib:/bar/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH NOTE: In the context of system setup this is usually WHAT YOU WANT; that your libs are found before any user libs are ''' #TODO: Use sys.path.insert os.environ[path] = path_unique(prepend_value) + ":" + path return path_unique(prepend_value) + ":" + path
[docs]def backup(path, backup_dir=config["esg_backup_dir"], num_of_backups=7): ''' Given a directory the contents of the directory is backed up as a tar.gz file in path - a filesystem path backup_dir - destination directory for putting backup archive (default esg_backup_dir:-/esg/backups) num_of_backups - the number of backup files you wish to have present in destination directory (default num_backups_to_keep:-7) ''' source_directory = readlinkf(path)"Backup - Creating a backup archive of %s", source_directory) current_directory = os.getcwd() source_backup_name = source_directory.split("/")[-1] backup_filename = os.path.join(backup_dir, source_backup_name+".{}.tgz".format(str( try: with, "w:gz") as tar: tar.add(source_directory) except tarfile.TarError, error: logger.error("Problem with creating backup archive: %s", backup_filename) raise else:"Created backup: %s", backup_filename) with pybash.pushd(backup_dir): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(backup_dir, source_backup_name+"*")) if len(files) > num_of_backups: oldest_backup = min(files, key=os.path.getctime) os.remove(oldest_backup)
[docs]def get_parent_directory(directory_path): '''Returns the parent directory of directory_path''' return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory_path, os.pardir))
[docs]def is_in_git_repo(file_name): #TODO: this may get deprecated as we are moving most things to live in repos ''' This determines if a specified file is in a git repository. This function will resolve symlinks and check for a .git directory in the directory of the actual file as well as its parent to avoid attempting to call git unless absolutely needed, so as to be able to detect some common cases on a system without git actually installed and in the path. Accepts as an argument the file to be checked Returns True if the specified file is in a git repository Returns False otherwise ''' if not find_executable("git"): print "Git is not installed" return False logger.debug("Checking to see if %s is in a git repository...", file_name) absolute_path = readlinkf(file_name) one_directory_up = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(absolute_path, os.pardir)) two_directories_up = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(one_directory_up, os.pardir)) if not os.path.isfile(file_name): logger.debug("%s does not exist yet, allowing creation", file_name) return False if os.path.isdir(one_directory_up + "/.git"):"%s is in a git repository", file_name) return True if os.path.isdir(two_directories_up + "/.git"):"%s is in a git repository", file_name) return True
[docs]def check_for_update(filename_1, filename_2=None): ''' Does an md5 check between local and remote resource returns 0 (success) iff there is no match and thus indicating that an update is available. USAGE: checked_for_update [file] ''' if filename_2 is None: remote_file = filename_1 local_file = os.path.realpath("\w+-\w+$", filename_1).group()) local_file = local_file + ".py" local_file = re.sub(r'\-(?=[^-]*$)', "_", local_file) else: local_file = filename_1 remote_file = filename_2 if not os.path.isfile(local_file): logger.warning("Could not find local file %s", local_file) return 0 if not os.access(local_file, os.X_OK): os.chmod(local_file, 0755) remote_file_md5 = requests.get(remote_file + '.md5').content remote_file_md5 = remote_file_md5.split()[0].strip() local_file_md5 = get_md5sum(local_file) if local_file_md5 != remote_file_md5: print " Update Available @ %s" % (remote_file) return 0 return 1
#TODO: rename to download_from_mirror
[docs]def download_update(local_file, remote_file=None, force_download=False, make_backup_file=False, use_local_files=False): ''' If an update is available then pull it down... then check the md5 sums again! Yes, this results in 3 network calls to pull down a file, but it saves total bandwidth and it also allows the updating from the network process to be cronttab-able while parsimonious with resources. It is also very good practice to make sure that code being executed is the RIGHT code! The 3rd token is the "force" flag value 1|0. 1 = do not check for update, directly go and fetch the file regardless 0 = first check for update availability. (default) The 4th token is for indicated whether a backup file should be made flag value 1|0. 1 = yes, create a .bak file if the file is already there before fetching new 0 = no, do NOT make a .bak file even if the file is already there, overwrite it (When using the force flag you MUST specify the first two args!!) NOTE: Has multiple return values test for (( $? > 1 )) when looking or errors A return value of 1 only means that the file is up-to-date and there Is no reason to fetch it. USAGE: checked_get [file] [<1|0>] [<1|0>] ''' if remote_file is None: remote_file = local_file # Get the last subpath from the absolute path # TODO: use pybash.trim_from_head() here local_file = local_file.split("/")[-1] if is_in_git_repo(local_file): print "%s is controlled by Git, not updating" % (local_file) return True if os.path.isfile(local_file) and use_local_files: print ''' *************************************************************************** ALERT.... NOT FETCHING ANY ESGF UPDATES FROM DISTRIBUTION SERVER!!!! USING LOCAL FILE file: %s ***************************************************************************\n\n ''' % (readlinkf(local_file)) return True if not force_download: updates_available = check_for_update(local_file, remote_file) if updates_available != 0:"No updates available.") return True if os.path.isfile(local_file) and make_backup_file: create_backup_file(local_file) print "Fetching file from %s -to-> %s" % (remote_file, local_file) fetch_remote_file(local_file, remote_file) return verify_checksum(local_file, remote_file)
[docs]def fetch_remote_file(local_file, remote_file): ''' Download a remote file from a distribution mirror and write its contents to the local_file ''' try: remote_file_request = requests.get(remote_file, stream=True) remote_file_request.raise_for_status() with open(local_file, "wb") as downloaded_file: total_length = int(remote_file_request.headers.get('content-length')) for chunk in, expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1): if chunk: downloaded_file.write(chunk) downloaded_file.flush() except requests.exceptions.RequestException: logger.exception("Could not download %s", remote_file) raise
[docs]def create_backup_file(file_name, backup_extension=".bak", date=str( '''Create a backup of a file using the given backup extension''' backup_file_name = file_name + date + "."+ backup_extension try: shutil.copyfile(file_name, backup_file_name) os.chmod(backup_file_name, 600) except OSError: logger.exception("Could not create backup file: %s\n", backup_file_name)
[docs]def verify_checksum(local_file, remote_file): '''Verify md5 checksum of file downloaded from distribution mirror''' remote_file_md5 = requests.get(remote_file + '.md5').content remote_file_md5 = remote_file_md5.split()[0].strip() local_file_md5 = get_md5sum(local_file) if local_file_md5 != remote_file_md5: logger.warning("Could not verify this file! %s", local_file) return False else:"%s checksum [VERIFIED]", local_file) return True
def _verify_against_mirror(esg_dist_url_root, script_maj_version): ''' Verify that the local script matches the remote script on the distribution mirror ''' python_script_name = os.path.basename(__file__) python_script_md5_name = re.sub(r'_', "-", python_script_name) python_script_md5_name ="\w*-\w*", python_script_md5_name)"python_script_name: %s", python_script_md5_name) remote_file_md5 = requests.get("{esg_dist_url_root}/esgf-installer/{script_maj_version}/{python_script_md5_name}.md5".format( esg_dist_url_root=esg_dist_url_root, script_maj_version=script_maj_version, python_script_md5_name=python_script_md5_name)).content remote_file_md5 = remote_file_md5.split()[0].strip() local_file_md5 = get_md5sum(python_script_name) if local_file_md5 != remote_file_md5: raise UnverifiedScriptError else: print "[VERIFIED]" return True
[docs]def stream_subprocess_output(command_string): ''' Print out the stdout of the subprocess in real time ''' try: logger.debug("Streaming subprocess stdout") logger.debug("Raw command string: %s", command_string) shlexsplit = shlex.split(command_string) logger.debug("shlex.split %s", str(shlexsplit)) process = subprocess.Popen(shlexsplit, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) with process.stdout: for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''): print line, # wait for the subprocess to exit process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: raise SubprocessError({"stdout": process.stdout, "stderr": process.stderr, "returncode": process.returncode}) except (OSError, ValueError), error: print "Could not stream subprocess output" print "stream_subprocess_output error:", error raise
[docs]def call_subprocess(command_string, command_stdin=None): ''' Mimics; Need this on CentOS 6 because system Python is 2.6, which doesn't have ''' logger.debug("command_string: %s", command_string) try: command_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split( command_string), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if command_stdin: command_process_stdout, command_process_stderr = command_process.communicate( input=command_stdin) else: command_process_stdout, command_process_stderr = command_process.communicate() except (OSError, ValueError), error: raise SubprocessError(error) else: logger.debug("command_process_stdout: %s", command_process_stdout) logger.debug("command_process_stderr: %s", command_process_stderr) logger.debug("command_process.returncode: %s", command_process.returncode) if command_process.returncode != 0: raise SubprocessError({"stdout": command_process_stdout, "stderr": command_process_stderr, "returncode": command_process.returncode}) return {"stdout": command_process_stdout, "stderr": command_process_stderr, "returncode": command_process.returncode}
[docs]def check_shmmax(min_shmmax=48): ''' NOTE: This is another **RedHat/CentOS** specialty thing (sort of) arg1 - min value of shmmax in MB (see: /etc/sysctl.conf) ''' try: kernel_shmmax = esg_property_manager.get_property("kernel.shmmax") except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass set_value_mb = min_shmmax set_value_bytes = set_value_mb * 1024 * 1024 kernel_shmmax_setting = call_binary("sysctl", ["-q", "kernel.shmmax"]) cur_value_bytes = kernel_shmmax_setting.split("=")[1] cur_value_bytes = cur_value_bytes.strip() if cur_value_bytes < set_value_bytes: print "Current system shared mem value too low [{cur_value_bytes} bytes] changing to [{set_value_bytes} bytes]".format(cur_value_bytes=cur_value_bytes, set_value_bytes=set_value_bytes) call_binary("sysctl", ["-w", "kernel.shmmax={}".format(set_value_bytes)]) replace_string_in_file("/etc/sysctl.conf", kernel_shmmax_setting, "kernel.shmmax={}".format(set_value_bytes)) esg_property_manager.set_property("kernal_shmmax", set_value_mb)
[docs]def get_esgf_host(): ''' Get the esgf host name from the file; if not in file, return the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) ''' try: esgf_host = config["esgf_host"] except KeyError: esgf_host = socket.getfqdn() return esgf_host
[docs]def get_security_admin_password(): ''' Gets the security_admin_password from the esgf_secret_file ''' try: with open(config["esgf_secret_file"], 'rb') as password_file: security_admin_password = except IOError, error: if error.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise else: logger.exception("Could not get password from file") else: return security_admin_password
[docs]def set_security_admin_password(updated_password, password_file=config['esgf_secret_file']): # TODO: Rename esgf_secret_file to esgf_admin_password_file '''Updates the esgf_secret_file''' try: security_admin_password_file = open(password_file, 'w+') security_admin_password_file.write(updated_password) except IOError: logger.exception("Unable to update security_admin_password file: %s", password_file) finally: security_admin_password_file.close() if not get_tomcat_group_id(): add_unix_group(config["tomcat_group"]) tomcat_group_id = get_tomcat_group_id() os.chmod(config['esgf_secret_file'], 0640) try: os.chown(config['esgf_secret_file'], get_user_id("root"), tomcat_group_id) except OSError: logger.exception("Unable to change ownership of %s", password_file) # Use the same password when creating the postgress account and publisher accounts set_postgres_password(updated_password) set_publisher_password(updated_password)
[docs]def get_publisher_password(): '''Gets the publisher database user's password''' try: with open(config['pub_secret_file'], "r") as secret_file: publisher_db_user_passwd = return publisher_db_user_passwd except IOError: logger.exception("%s not found", config['pub_secret_file']) raise
[docs]def set_publisher_password(password=None): '''Sets the publisher database user's password; saves it to pub_secret_file If not password is provided as an argument, a prompt for a password is given. ''' if not password: password_set = False while not password_set: db_user_password = getpass.getpass( "Enter the password for database user {db_user}: ".format(db_user=config["postgress_user"])) db_user_password_confirm = getpass.getpass("Re-enter the password to confirm: ") if confirm_password(db_user_password, db_user_password_confirm): password = db_user_password password_set = True try: with open(config['pub_secret_file'], "w") as secret_file: secret_file.write(password) print "Updated password for database {db_user}".format(db_user=config["postgress_user"]) except IOError, error: logger.error("Could not update password for %s", config["postgress_user"]) raise
[docs]def set_postgres_password(password): '''Updates the Postgres superuser account password; gets saved to /esg/config/.esg_pg_pass''' try: with open(config['pg_secret_file'], "w") as secret_file: secret_file.write(password) except IOError: logger.exception("Could not open %s", config['pg_secret_file']) os.chmod(config['pg_secret_file'], 0640) if not get_tomcat_group_id(): add_unix_group(config["tomcat_group"]) tomcat_group_id = get_tomcat_group_id() try: os.chown(config['pg_secret_file'], get_user_id("root"), tomcat_group_id) except OSError: logger.exception("Unable to change ownership of %s", config["pg_secret_file"])
[docs]def get_postgres_password(): '''Gets the Postgres superuser account password from /esg/config/.esg_pg_pass''' pg_password = None try: with open(config['pg_secret_file'], "r") as secret_file: pg_password = except IOError: logger.exception("Could not open %s", config['pg_secret_file']) return pg_password
[docs]def confirm_password(password_input, password_confirmation): '''Helper function to confirm that passwords match. Returns true if passwords match''' if password_confirmation == password_input: return True else: print "Sorry, values did not match" return False
[docs]def is_valid_password(password_input): '''Check that password_input meets the valid password requirements: an alphanumeric string greater than 6 characters long''' if not password_input: print "Password cannot be blank" return False if not str.isalnum(password_input): print "The password can only contain alphanumeric characters" return False if len(password_input) < 6: print "Sorry password must be at least six characters :-( " return False return True
[docs]def set_java_keystore_password(keystore_password=None): '''Saves the password for a Java keystore to /esg/config/.esg_keystore_pass''' if not keystore_password: while True: keystore_password_input = getpass.getpass( "Please enter the password for this keystore: ") if not keystore_password_input: print "Invalid password. The password can not be blank." continue keystore_password_input_confirmation = getpass.getpass( "Please re-enter the password for this keystore: ") if keystore_password_input == keystore_password_input_confirmation: keystore_password = keystore_password_input break else: print "Sorry, values did not match. Please try again." continue with open(config['ks_secret_file'], 'w') as keystore_file: keystore_file.write(keystore_password) os.chmod(config['ks_secret_file'], 0640) os.chown(config['ks_secret_file'], get_user_id("root"), get_group_id("tomcat")) return True
[docs]def get_java_keystore_password(): ''' Gets the keystore_password from the saved ks_secret_file at /esg/config/.esg_keystore_pass ''' try: with open(config['ks_secret_file'], 'rb') as keystore_file: keystore_password = if not keystore_password: set_java_keystore_password() with open(config['ks_secret_file'], 'rb') as keystore_file: keystore_password = return keystore_password except IOError, error: if error.errno == errno.ENOENT: "The keystore password has not been set yet so the password file %s does not exist yet.", config['ks_secret_file']) set_java_keystore_password() with open(config['ks_secret_file'], 'rb') as keystore_file: keystore_password = return keystore_password
def _check_keystore_password(keystore_password): '''Utility function to check that a given password is valid for the global scoped {keystore_file} ''' keystore_password = get_java_keystore_password() keytool_options = ["-list", "-keystore", config['ks_secret_file'], "-storepass", keystore_password] try: call_binary("{}/bin/keytool".format(config["java_install_dir"]), keytool_options) except ProcessExecutionError: logger.error( "Could not access private keystore %s with provided password. Try again...", config['ks_secret_file']) raise return True
[docs]def get_group_list(): '''Returns a list of the Unix groups on the system''' return [group.gr_name for group in grp.getgrall()]
[docs]def get_user_list(): '''Returns a list of the Unix users on the system''' return [user.pw_name for user in pwd.getpwall()]
[docs]def get_group_id(group_name): ''' Returns the id of the Unix group ''' return grp.getgrnam(group_name).gr_gid
[docs]def get_user_id(user_name): ''' Returns the id of the Unix user ''' return pwd.getpwnam(user_name).pw_uid
[docs]def get_tomcat_user_id(): ''' Returns the id of the Tomcat user ''' return pwd.getpwnam("tomcat").pw_uid
[docs]def get_tomcat_group_id(): ''' Returns the id of the Tomcat group ''' try: return grp.getgrnam("tomcat").gr_gid except KeyError: logger.exception("Could not get Tomcat group id")
[docs]def add_unix_group(group_name): '''Add a Unix group''' try: call_binary("groupadd", [group_name]) except ProcessExecutionError, err: if err.retcode == 9: pass else: raise
[docs]def add_unix_user(user_add_options): '''Use subprocess to add Unix user''' if isinstance(user_add_options, str): user_add_options = [user_add_options] try: call_binary("useradd", user_add_options) except ProcessExecutionError, err: if err.retcode == 9: pass else: raise
[docs]def get_dir_owner_and_group(path): ''' Returns a tuple containing the owner and group of the given directory path ''' stat_info = os.stat(path) uid = stat_info.st_uid gid = stat_info.st_gid user = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0] group = grp.getgrgid(gid)[0] return user, group
[docs]def track_extraction_progress(members): '''Output of the files being extracted from a tarball''' for member in members: # this will be the current file being extracted yield member
[docs]def extract_tarball(tarball_name, dest_dir="."): '''Extract a tarball to the given dest_dir''' if dest_dir == ".": dest_dir_name = os.getcwd() else: dest_dir_name = dest_dir print "Extracting {tarball_name} -> {dest_dir_name}".format(tarball_name=tarball_name, dest_dir_name=dest_dir_name) try: tar = tar.extractall(dest_dir, members=track_extraction_progress(tar)) tar.close() except tarfile.TarError, error: logger.error("Could not extract the tarfile: %s", tarball_name) raise
[docs]def change_ownership_recursive(directory_path, uid=-1, gid=-1): '''Recursively changes ownership on a directory and its subdirectories; Mimics chown -R''' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(readlinkf(directory_path)): for directory in dirs: os.chown(os.path.join(root, directory), uid, gid) for name in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, name) try: os.chown(file_path, uid, gid) except OSError: logger.exception("Could not change permissions on : %s", file_path)
[docs]def change_permissions_recursive(path, mode): '''Recursively changes permissions on a directory and its subdirectories; Mimics chmod -R''' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False): for directory in [os.path.join(root, d) for d in dirs]: os.chmod(directory, mode) for file_name in [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]: os.chmod(file_name, mode)
[docs]def replace_string_in_file(file_name, original_string, new_string): '''Goes into a file and replaces string''' with open(file_name, 'r') as file_handle: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace(original_string, new_string) # Write the file out again with open(file_name, 'w') as file_handle: file_handle.write(filedata)
def get_config_ip(interface_value): # chain = ifconfig["eth3"] | grep["inet[^6]"] | awk['{ gsub (" *inet [^:]*:",""); print eth3}'] # ''' # ##### # # Get Current IP Address - Needed (at least temporarily) for Mesos Master # #### # Takes a single interface value # "eth0" or "lo", etc... # ''' netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_value) ip_address = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_value)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr'] return ip_address
[docs]def bump_git_tag(bump_level="patch", commit_message=None): '''Update git tag version''' import semver from git import Repo #Bump the git tag version when a new release cut if not find_executable("git"): print "Git is not installed" return False repo = Repo(".") current_tag = repo.git.describe() if bump_level == "patch": semver.bump_patch(current_tag) if bump_level == "minor": semver.bump_minor(current_tag) if bump_level == "major": semver.bump_major(current_tag) new_tag = repo.create_tag(current_tag, message='Automatic tag "{0}"'.format(current_tag)) repo.remotes.origin.push(new_tag)
[docs]def write_security_lib_install_log(): '''Write esgf-security library info to install manifest''' security_library_path = "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/esg-orp/WEB-INF/lib/esgf-security-{}.jar".format(config["esgf_security_version"]) write_to_install_manifest("esgf->library:esg-security", security_library_path, config["esgf_security_version"])
[docs]def write_to_install_manifest(component, install_path, version, manifest_file="/esg/esgf-install-manifest"): '''Write component info to install manifest''' parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: parser.add_section("install_manifest") except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError: logger.debug("section already exists") parser.set("install_manifest", component, install_path + " " + version + " - " +"%B %d, %Y")) with open(manifest_file, "w") as config_file_object: parser.write(config_file_object)
[docs]def get_version_from_install_manifest(component, manifest_file="/esg/esgf-install-manifest", section_name="install_manifest"): '''Get component version info from install manifest''' parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() try: return parser.get(section_name, component) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: logger.debug("could not find component %s", component) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: logger.debug("could not find component %s", component)
[docs]def update_fileupload_jar(): '''quick-fix for removing insecure commons-fileupload jar file''' try: os.remove("/usr/local/solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar") except OSError, error: logger.debug(error) try: os.path.isfile("/usr/local/solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar") except OSError: try: shutil.copyfile("{tomcat_install_dir}/webapps/esg-search/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar".format(tomcat_install_dir=config["tomcat_install_dir"]), "/usr/local/solr/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.3.2.jar") except OSError, error: logger.exception(error)
[docs]def setup_whitelist_files(whitelist_file_dir=config["esg_config_dir"]): '''Setups up whitelist XML files from the distribution mirror Downloads the XML files and edits the placeholder string with the esgf hostname Formerly called setup_sensible_confs ''' update_fileupload_jar() print "*******************************" print "Setting up The ESGF whitelist files" print "*******************************" conf_file_list = ["esgf_ats.xml.tmpl", "esgf_azs.xml.tmpl", "esgf_idp.xml.tmpl"] apache_user_id = get_user_id("apache") apache_group_id = get_group_id("apache") for file_name in conf_file_list: local_file_name = file_name.split(".tmpl")[0] local_file_path = os.path.join(whitelist_file_dir, local_file_name) esg_root_url = esg_property_manager.get_property("esg.root.url") remote_file_url = "{esg_root_url}/confs/{file_name}".format(esg_root_url=esg_root_url, file_name=file_name) download_update(local_file_path, remote_file_url) #replace placeholder.fqdn tree = etree.parse(local_file_path) #Had to use {} in search because the xml has it listed as the namespace esgf_host = get_esgf_host() if file_name == "esgf_ats.xml.tmpl": placeholder_string = tree.find('.//{}attribute').get("attributeService") updated_string = placeholder_string.replace("placeholder.fqdn", esgf_host) tree.find('.//{}attribute').set("attributeService", updated_string) else: updated_string = tree.find('.//{}value').text.replace("placeholder.fqdn", esgf_host) tree.find('.//{}value').text = updated_string tree.write(local_file_path) os.chown(local_file_path, apache_user_id, apache_group_id) current_mode = os.stat(local_file_path) #add read permissions to all, i.e. chmod a+r os.chmod(local_file_path, current_mode.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
[docs]def convert_hash_to_hex(subject_name_hash): '''Converts the subject_name_hash from a long to a hex string''' return format(subject_name_hash, 'x')
[docs]def get_node_type(config_file=config["esg_config_type_file"]): ''' Helper method for reading the last state of node type config from config dir file "config_type" Every successful, explicit call to --type|-t gets recorded in the "config_type" file If the configuration type is not explicity set the value is read from this file. ''' try: last_config_type = open(config_file, "r") node_type_list = if node_type_list: return node_type_list else: raise NoNodeTypeError except IOError: raise NoNodeTypeError except NoNodeTypeError: logger.exception('''No node type selected nor available! \n Consult usage with --help flag... look for the \"--type\" flag \n(must come BEFORE \"[start|stop|restart|update]\" args)\n\n''') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def esgf_node_info(): '''Print basic info about ESGF installation''' with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'docs', 'esgf_node_info.txt'), 'r') as info_file: print
[docs]def call_binary(binary_name, arguments=None, silent=False, conda_env=None): '''Uses plumbum to make a call to a CLI binary. The arguments should be passed as a list of strings''' RETURN_CODE = 0 STDOUT = 1 STDERR = 2 logger.debug("binary_name: %s", binary_name) logger.debug("arguments: %s", arguments) if conda_env is not None: if arguments is not None: arguments = [conda_env, binary_name] + arguments else: arguments = [conda_env, binary_name] binary_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "") try: command = local[binary_name] except ProcessExecutionError: logger.error("Could not find %s executable", binary_name) raise for var in os.environ: local.env[var] = os.environ[var] if silent: if arguments is not None: cmd_future = command.__getitem__(arguments) & BG else: cmd_future = command.run_bg() cmd_future.wait() output = [cmd_future.returncode, cmd_future.stdout, cmd_future.stderr] else: if arguments is not None: output = command.__getitem__(arguments) & TEE else: output = command.run_tee() #special case where checking java version is displayed via stderr if command.__str__() == '/usr/local/java/bin/java' and output[RETURN_CODE] == 0: return output[STDERR] #Check for non-zero return code if output[RETURN_CODE] != 0: logger.error("Error occurred when executing %s %s", binary_name, " ".join(arguments)) logger.error("STDERR: %s", output[STDERR]) raise ProcessExecutionError else: return output[STDOUT]
[docs]def pip_install(pkg, req_file=False): ''' pip installs a package to the current python environment ''' # TODO: Fine tune options such as --log, --retries and --timeout args = ["install"] if req_file: args.append("-r") args.append(pkg) return call_binary("pip", args)
[docs]def pip_install_git(repo, name, tag=None, subdir=None): ''' Builds a properly formatted string to pip install from a git repo ''' git_pkg = "git+{repo}{tag}#egg={name}{subdir}".format( repo=repo if repo.endswith(".git") else repo+".git", name=name, tag="@"+tag if tag is not None else "", subdir="&subdirectory="+subdir if subdir is not None else "" ) return pip_install(git_pkg)
[docs]def pip_version(pkg_name): ''' Get the version of a package installed with pip, return None if not installed ''' info = call_binary("pip", ["list", "--format=json"]) info = json.loads(info) # Get the dictionary with "name" matching pkg_name, if not present get None pkg = next((pkg for pkg in info if pkg["name"] == pkg_name), None) if pkg is None: print "{} not found in pip list".format(pkg_name) return None else: print "Found version {} of {} in pip list".format(str(pkg['version']), pkg_name) return str(pkg['version'])
[docs]def insert_file_at_pattern(target_file, input_file, pattern): '''Replace a pattern inside the target file with the contents of the input file''' target_file_object = open(target_file) target_file_string = target_file_object.close() input_file_object = open(input_file) input_file_string = input_file_object.close() target_file_string = target_file_string.replace(pattern, input_file_string) target_file_object = open(target_file, 'w') target_file_object.write(target_file_string) target_file_object.close()
[docs]def main(): '''Main function''' import esg_logging_manager esg_logging_manager.main() logger = logging.getLogger("esgf_logger" + "." + __name__) with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'esg_config.yaml'), 'r') as config_file: config = yaml.load(config_file)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()