Atomic Metadata Updates

This document explains how to update metadata records that have already been published to an ESGF Index Node (backed up by a corresponding Solr Index). This technique allows to add/change/remove single metadata fields to/from an existing ESGF record, without having to republish the full updated record with the same “id” field.


A metadata update changes an existing record through the following possible actions:

  • set: sets one or more values for the specified field, replacing any current values if already existing

  • add: adds one or more values to the specified field

  • remove: removes one or more values from the specified field

Additionally, all values can be removed from the specified field by using “set” with no values specified. Note that Solr does not allow to mix set/add/remove actions in the same request.


Metadata updates of ESGF records can be executed using three different APIs:

  1. The native Solr API for atomic updates

    • The client targets the “master” Solr URL directly: http://<index-node>:8984/solr/<core>/update. Updates will be automatically replicated to the “slave” Solr index on port 8983

    • No authentication or authorization is required. The client must have access to port 8984 and therefore must execute from within the institution firewall.

    • The client must issue a POST request with a document that follows the Solr syntax for atomic updates (in JSON or XML).

    • Each request can only update one document at a time.

    • See Solr documentation for details.

  2. The ESGF Python client API for Solr updates

    • Python client library to interact with the Solr server directly to request metadata updates

    • Hides behind the scenes the creation of Solr XML document, encoding metadata update instructions as Python dictionaries instead

    • Again no authentication or authorization needed, assuming that the Solr master URL is open to the Python client for updates (typically, from localhost)

    • See instructions at

  3. The ESGF metadata update API

    • The client targets the ESGF Search web service URLs: https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/update… which behind the scenes query and update the “master” Solr index. Updates are again automatically replicated to the “slave” Solr index. -The client must provide an X509 certificate used for authentication and authorization.

    • Authorization is based on the individual “id”s of all records been updated.

    • The client request may originate from any server on the web, since it will be undergo proper authorization.

    • The ESGF API can be used for bulk-updates of many records at once - infact, for all records that match an ESGF search.

ESGF Atomic Metadata Updates


  • The client must obtain a valid X.509 certificate that is transmitted as part of the request

  • The certificate must contain an identity that has been authorized to publish to that dataset (based on the record “id” field)

GET HTTPS Requests

The ESGF Search web services support metadata updates through simple GET request, but in this case each request can only update one document. The general syntax of a GET request is:



  • id: record identifier (properly URL-encoded)

  • action: set/add/remove

  • field: the metadata field to be updated

  • value: one or more values to be set/added/removed

The following examples show how to use the popular wget client to issue GET metadata updates requests (each example must be entered all in one line):

# set one or more values

wget --no-check-certificate --ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem --certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem\
      --private-key ~/.esg/credentials.pem --verbose\
# add one or more values

wget --no-check-certificate --ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem --certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem\
      --private-key ~/.esg/credentials.pem --verbose\
# remove one or more values

wget --no-check-certificate --ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem --certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem\
      --private-key ~/.esg/credentials.pem --verbose\
# remove all values

 wget --no-check-certificate --ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem --certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem\
      --private-key ~/.esg/credentials.pem --verbose\


POST requests to the ESGF Search Services are very powerful, because they allow to update at once ALL records that match one or more queries (expressed in the ESGF search syntax). In a POST request, one or more metadata updates are specified through an XML document that conforms to a custom ESGF syntax. For example, the following command can be used to send a POST metadata update request using the wget client:

wget --no-check-certificate --ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem --certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem\
     --private-key ~/.esg/credentials.pem --verbose --post-file=updates.xml\

where the XML document has the following content, depending on what kind of metadata update is requested:

<!-- set one or more values on a single record (identified by "id") -->
<updates core="datasets" action="set">
      <field name="xlink">
<!-- set one or more values on multiple records (identified by an ESGF query) -->
<updates core="datasets" action="set">
      <field name="xlink">
<!-- add one or more values (by query) -->
<updates core="datasets" action="add">
      <field name="xlink">
<!-- remove one or more values (by query) -->
<updates core="datasets" action="remove">
      <field name="xlink">
<!-- remove all values (by query) -->
<updates core="datasets" action="set">
      <field name="xlink" />

Targetting the Local Shard

All the above examples update metadata in the “master” Solr index by targetting the two URLs “https:///esg-search/ws/update” (POST) and “https:///esg-search/ws/updateById” (GET). To update metadata records that were published to the Local Shard, use the following URLs: