ESGF REST Publishing Services

The ESGF REST Publishing Services represent the “next generation” set of services for publishing data into ESGF - as opposed to the old Hessian-based services which are still supported, but will eventually be phased out. The main features of the new framework are:

  • The capability to publish resources of any kind, not just files (mainly in NetCDF format) listed in THREDDS catalogs

  • The capability to publish resources by invoking either “push” or “pull” operations

  • The capability to validate metadata records upoin ingestion

  • The representation of the service endpoints as simple REST URLs

The new services are secured in exactly the same way as the old services. Specifically, publication is controlled by local policies on the Data Node, which match classes of resources to groups and roles authorized for publishing. As part of the request, the publishing client needs to transmit to the server an X509 certificate containing the identity of the publication agent. The server uses the agent identity to invoke the local authorization service.


The Publishing Services API consists of matching RESTful endpoints for publishing and unpublishing metadata, in both pull and push mode. Additionally, a service is provided to delete records by identier.

Behavior common to all services:

  • All services must be invoked by clients via HTTPS POST requests

  • The client request must include an X.509 certificate for authentication and authorization

  • Currently, all invocations are synchronous - i.e. the server, upon receiving a request, starts processing and only returns a response to the client when the operation is completed (succesfully or not). Note that this is the same behavior as the old services. Asynchronous invocations may be supported in a future release.

  • The response returned to the client contains:

    • The standard HTTP status code indicating the result of the publishing operation. In particular, the following codes may be returned:

      • 200 OK: the publishing operation was succesfull

      • 400 Bad Request: request parameters are missing or have incorrect values

      • 401 Unauthorized: publishing operation failed because agent lacked the proper permission

      • 500 Internal Server Error: publishing operation failed because of an unspecified error arised on the server side

        • A body encoded as XML containing a short confirmation message in case of success, or an error message in case of failure

Throughout this document, example service invocations are provided using the popular WGET client. Additionally, at the end we also show an example Python script that invokes a service endpoint leveraging the Python “Requests” library.


The examples below assumes the following initial setup:

  • The publishing agent has obtained an X.509 certificate from an ESGF trusted MyProxy server

  • The openid identity contained in the certificate is authorized to publish data into the target Index Node

Example on how to obtain an X.509 certificate using the myproxy-logon client:

myproxy-logon -s -p 7512 -l -t 48 -o ~/.esg/credentials.pem

“Pull” Operations

In “pull” mode, the client requests the server to harvest metadata from a repository. Records are generated on the server side, validated, and sent to the metadata store for ingestion. Note that for Pull operations the server authorizes the user to execute the operation based on the resource “uri”.

Pull Publishing Service

  • URL: https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/harvest

  • HTTP POST data: encoded as form (key, value) pair

    • uri: location identifier of remote metadata repository or catalog

    • metadataRepositoryType: type of metadata repository, chosen from controlled vocabulary

    • schema: optional URI of additional schema for record validation

Example (must be entered only on one line, with … removed):

wget --no-check-certificate --ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem\
     --certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem --private-key ~/.esg/credentials.pem\

Pull UnPublishing Service

  • URL: https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/unharvest

  • HTTP POST data: encoded as form (key, value) pairs

    • uri: location identifier of remote metadata repository or catalog

    • metadataRepositoryType: type of metadata repository, chosen from controlled vocabulary

Example (must be entered only on one line, with … removed):

wget –-no-check-certificate –-ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem
      –-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem –-private-key  ~/.esg/credentials.pem\

“Push” Operations

In “push” mode, the client sends already generated metadata records to the server. The server validates the records and send them to the metadata store for ingestion. Client authorization is based on the “id” of the resource that is been published or unpublished.

Push Publishing Service

  • URL: https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/publish

  • HTTP POST data: metadata record encoded as Solr/XML (with optional “schema” attribute for additional project-specific validation).

Example (must be entered only on one line):

wget –-no-check-certificate –-ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem
      –-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem –private-key  ~/.esg/credentials.pem
      –-verbose –-post-file=cmip5_dataset.xml

The ESGF Search GitHub repository contains several examples of valid metadata records that can be published to an ESGF Index Node:

  • esgf_dataset.xml : example Dataset metadata record complying to the ESGF core and Earth Science schemas

  • esgf_file.xml : example File metadata record complying to the ESGF core and Earth Science schemas

  • cmip5_dataset.xml : example CMIP5 Dataset metadata record

  • cmip5_file.xml : example CMIP5 File metadata record

Note that the ESGF metadata store is a Solr index, not a relational database: therefore, no relational integrity is enforced between file records and dataset records. The client must take care of making sure that the file records reference an existing dataset record.

Push UnPublishing Service

  • URL: https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/unpublish

  • HTTP POST data: metadata record encoded as Solr/XML (same that was used for publishing, although only the “id” and “type” information will really be used).

Example (must be entered only on one line):

wget --no-check-certificate –--ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem
      –-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem –-private-key  ~/.esg/credentials.pem
      –-verbose –-post-file=cmip5_dataset.xml

Note that unpublishing a dataset record will automatically unpublish all file and aggregation records that reference that dataset.

Delete Operations

A generic “delete” service is provided to remove records by identifier from the metadata store.

Delete UnPublishing Service

  • URL: https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/delete

  • HTTP POST data: encoded as form (key, value) pairs

    • id: identifier of record to be deleted (key and value pairs may be repeated any number of times to delete more than one record at a time)

Example (must be entered only on one line, with … removed):

wget –-no-check-certificate –-ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem
      –-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem –-private-key  ~/.esg/credentials.pem
      –-verbose -O response.xml

Note that just like before, unpublishing a dataset record will automatically unpublish all file and aggregation records that reference that dataset.

Retract Operations

Datasets can be “retracted” when they are not deemed fit for use in scientfiic research - for example because some major problem was found. In this case, all file and aggregations records are physically deleted from the catalog (so that data cannot be downloaded any more), but the dataset record is kept in the catalog for reference, and marked as “retracted”.

Retract UnPublishing Service

  • URL: https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/retract

  • HTTP POST data: encoded as form (key, value) pairs

    • id: identifier of record to be retracted (key and value pairs may be repeated any number of times to delete more than one record at a time)

Example (must be entered only on one line, with … removed):

wget –-no-check-certificate –ca-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem
     –-certificate ~/.esg/credentials.pem –-private-key  ~/.esg/credentials.pem
     –-verbose -O response.xml

Python Client Example

Following is an example on how to invoke the ESGF Publishing Services from a Python client. The example leverages the Python Requests library for HTTP(s) communication with the server.

import requests

url = “”
mycertpath = “/Users/cinquini/.esg/credentials.pem”
catalog =  “”
postdata = {“uri” : catalog,
“schema”:“cmip5” }

resp =, cert=(mycertpath, mycertpath), data=postdata, verify=False )
print resp.status_code
print resp.text

Cut-and-paste the above script into a file, for example “”, and execute as: python .

REST Publishing to Local Shard

The ESGF REST Publishing Services support an alternative set of web service endpoints that will publish/unpublish metadata to/from the local Solr instance runninig on port 8982. Specifically, to target the local shard, a client must use the following URLs:

  • https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/harvestLocal

  • https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/unharvestLocal

  • https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/publishLocal

  • https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/unpublishLocal

  • https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/deleteLocal

  • https://<index-node>/esg-search/ws/retractLocal