Installation: Prerequisites¶
The following items are required to install CoG for developmental purposes:
A system running a *-nix operating system, including Cent-OS, Linux and MacOSX
Step 1: Install Python¶
Install Anaconda
2.7.10 does not work with cog, you will need to downgrade
#downgrade python install conda install
conda install python=2.7.9
Python setup_tools (should come with python)
Step 2: Install Postgres¶
you may need to add the location of the pg_config file to your $PATH
Step 3: Set up git and github¶
Install git:
Generate SSH keys:
Add the SSH keys to your github account:
Setup username and email
git config –global “username”
git config –global email “email”
Step 4: Update pip¶
pip install -U pip
Step 5: Install virtualenv¶
pip install virtualenv
Step 6: (CentOS only) Install C-headers for sqlite-devel and freetype-devel¶
yum install sqlite-devel freetype-devel
Step 7: (MacOSX only) Copy image libraries¶
Ensure the following libraries are located in /usr/local/lib (copy from anaconda lib…requires sudo)
# example
sudo cp ~/anaconda/lib/libtiff.5.dylib /usr/local/lib
Step 8: Install Xcode command line tools¶
xcode-select –install
Step 9: Manually install Pillow¶
Normally Pillow is automatically installed via the /cog_install/ script
Modify this file and comment out that installation, and install manually
wheel may be required in the install
pip install wheel
pip install –use-wheel Pillow==2.8.2
#note 3.1.0 does not install w/o jpeg support, may cause install to fail