Installation Testing: Initial Testing of the Installation

Step 1: Run CoG with the Django development server

Make sure you have defined the necessary environment variables and activated the CoG Python virtual environment as described in the previous steps:

export COG_DIR=/usr/local/cog
export COG_CONFIG_DIR=$COG_DIR/cog_config
export COG_INSTALL_DIR=$COG_DIR/cog_install
source venv/bin/activate

Then, start the CoG application on the local host and specific port:

python runserver <host>:<port>
# example: python runserver

By default, =localhost and =8000, although you’ll be able to point a browser at localhost only if you are installing CoG on your local laptop.

Note: you might need to also define the following environment variable:

export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=/tmp

(or other directory that exists and is writable by the user running the application).

Note: you might also need to insert the location of the postgres library in the system dynamic library path, for example:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/pgsql/lib

Step 2: Open http://<host>:8000/

You should be presented with the CoG home page.

Step 3: Login

  • if an ESGF node is installed (e.g. –esgf=true), use the standard login URL http://:/login/ with the openid https:///esgf-idp/openid/rootAdmin and your usual ESGF rootAdmin password (or “changeit” if the usual password could not be found)

  • if an ESGF node is NOT installed (e.g. (–esgf=false), use the “hidden” local login URL http://:login2/ with username “rootAdmin” and the password “changeit”

Step 4: IMPORTANT: immediately change the “admin” password by:

If you logged in for the first time as user “rootAdmin” with password “changeit”, you should really change the password right away:

Note: to fully test the password change, you need to log out of CoG AND quit the browser and log-in as ‘admin’ again.

Changing the password is not necessary if you were able to login with your usual ESGF password.

Step 5: Change all other “admin” data.

Ensure the information matches the local Node Administrator, especially the email address where all node-level notifications will be sent.

Step 6: Start experimenting with creating other projects and registering new users.

  • Verify that email notification is working. The Node Administrator should get an email whenever a project is requested or a new user registers.